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Technology is crucial to the tourism industry and its success. The market share of online travel sales in Europe has grown from 1.1% in 2000 to 22.5% in 2008, corresponding to annual business of Euro 2.5 bn and Euro 58.4 bn respectively . This shows the enormous growth and importance of internet in the tourism sector. With Web 2.0, the consumer is no longer just a buyer of online travel products, but actually participates by creating content and / or interacting with other users. Wikis, blogs, vlogs, mash ups, social networking sites, video sharing sites and many other application of the web 2.0 family (and tomorrow web 3.0) is now part of many consumers lifes and can no longer be ignored by the suppliers of the tourism industry.

Technology needs be part of the marketing strategy and the consultants of GBR Consulting can assist in that; not from the technology persepctive, but always from the business perspective.

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